Saturday, April 6, 2013

Activity 3.3.1 Diary of a Cancer Patient

The oncologists have informed Mike Smith that they will try to shrink the tumor in his proximal humerus with chemotherapy. The osteosarcoma has not metastasized, or spread to other areas of his body, and doctors want to be aggressive about keeping the cancer localized. The overall goal of all cancer treatments is to rid the body of cancerous tissue either by destroying or removing tumor cells. If doctors can shrink Mike’s tumor using chemotherapy, they will be more successful in surgery to remove the mass and save Mike’s arm.

While he is an inpatient in the hospital, Mike shares a room with a 14-year-old young man named Charlie. Charlie has been diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the soft tissue that has manifested as a tumor around his left eye. Doctors have been able to reduce the size of the tumor with chemotherapy; however, they want to add in radiation therapy to try to fully destroy the mass. Mike and Charlie spend hours together in the hospital and discuss their cancers. On occasion, they even accompany one another to treatment sessions just to keep each other company.

Mike and Charlie have decided to write down in a diary or blog their experiences during treatment. They want young men and women their age to know what cancer treatment is really like. They hope that someone can learn from their experiences or at least be comforted by the fact that they are not alone in the battle against cancer. 

1 comment:

  1. Most prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas, cancers that arise in glandular cells of the prostate’s epithelial tissue. Prostate cancers usually progress slowly and produce no symptoms in the initial stages. Eventually, the tumor may enlarge like mine use too, the prostate gland, pressing on the urethra and causing painful or frequent urination and blood in the urine. So I was so uncomfortable with this prostate cancer diseases then I decided to do online search on how to cure cancer because I well have read a lot about herbal medicine,I came across a lot of testimony how Dr Itua cure HIV/herpes then Cancer was listed below the comment.with courage I contacted Dr Itua and he sent me his herbal medicine through Courier service then I was asked to pick it up at my post office which i quickly did. I contacted Dr Itua that i have received my herbal medicine so he instructs me on how to drink it for three weeks and that is how Dr Itua Herbal Medicine cure my prostate Cancer, The treatment takes three weeks and I was cured completely. Dr Itua is a god sent and I thank him every day of my life. Contact him now Whatsapp:+2348149277967.
    He listed to that he can as well cure the following diseases below.... Cerebral Amides. Lung Cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Adrenocortical carcinoma. Alma, Uterine Cancer, Breast Cancer, Allergic diseases. Kidney cancer, Love Spell, Colo rectal cancer, Lottery Spell, Bladder Cancer, Skin Cancer,Ovarian Cancer,Pancreatic Cancer, HIV /Aids, Herpes, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Inflammatory bowel disease, Copd, Diabetes, Hepatitis
